What does it mean to be an artist?

Artists are creative people who make art in all sorts of ways. Being an artist isn’t just about one thing, like painting or drawing. It can be anything you can imagine! Being an artist means something different to everyone.

In our Reaching Out exhibitions, we got to see the work of these artists:

What do you think being an artist means to them? What does it mean to you?

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  • Author
    • Disjunction

      Artists are creative people who make art in all sorts of ways. Being an artist isn’t just about one thing, like painting or drawing. It can be anything you can imagine! Being an artist means something different to everyone.

      In our Reaching Out exhibitions, we got to see the work of these artists:

      What do you think being an artist means to them? What does it mean to you?

      Reply #311
    • Jessica

      I am a mandala artist. I like drawing animals. That’s about it.

      Reply #479
    • Jenna

      It’s… I’m trying to think. I find it a bit hard to express it because of my disability. It’s fun. It’s about expressing with art. It can be music and art. It’s important to me.

      Reply #482
    • Hannah

      Express feelings through art. Having fun making friends. To create and explore my imagination.

      Reply #483
    • Charlie

      Making work. Having fun. Making art. Sense of humour.

      Reply #489
    • mr joel hartgen

      to be super cool and it is good.

      Reply #496
    • bradley eckert

      being an artist is fun !

      Reply #497
    • James

      It’s feels like I’ve developed from growing up as a dance artist. I’m still doing dance, playing instruments, doing music and film & screen studies and voice. I’ve danced ever since I was young. I was born with meningitis. I am lucky to move and speak and be able. But with Tutti they give me the opportunity to have art opportunities and working in film and be very diverse. I also do DJing through Tutti Arts which is a new thing which I’ve been doing for about a year. I love it. We have a club night happening.The team of Tutti will be working on various activities to support the DJing and club night.

      I’m a proud intellectually disabled artist with ABI (acquired brain injury).

      Reply #498
    • Nina

      To be an artist is to interpret the world in your own unique way and to express yourself by creating.

      Reply #500
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